Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Language of the Universe..

I often speak about the duality of thoughts. In order to manifest love, money, health, happiness and all the things you desire – you MUST learn to think and speak in the 'Language of the Universe'. Every thought you think has 2 sides; a positive and a negative. And the Universe doesn’t translate or judge; it will give you what you ask for.

I work with hundreds of people every year.. both as a psychic and a Life Coach. My clients always hear me speak about the importance of radiating to the universe the things you WANT TO ATTRACT into your life. In the spiritual realm – like attracts like. And, my clients often tell me that they are thinking positive thoughts yet they continue to manifest 'lack' in their lives. So, I often ask them to keep a ‘thought journal’ and give me examples. Here are some of those examples:

Stan is a client who was trying to manifest money into his life for countless years before meeting me. He was recently shopping and found himself thinking:

Darn, I have to win the lottery – I just don’t have enough money to pay for everything.

He told me, ‘But, Lady Fontaine I am thinking positive thoughts and I am telling the universe what I want’. He did not realize that he was speaking in ‘lack’. In reality, the words above are telling the universe that Dan doesn’t have sufficient money to pay for everything.. and the universe’s primary job is to HEAR WHAT WE ASK FOR and to GIVE US MORE! So, what will the universe deliver? More ‘lack’ of money rather than more money!

Renee has been a client for many years. She had on-going financial and love problems. She had been doing positive affirmations for over 10 years and is a strong believer of positive thinking. Until she met me she was not able to manifest the things she truly wanted. I asked her to keep a journal of her ‘thoughts’.

‘One day I am going to meet the most awesome man and live happily ever after.’

‘I am definitely going to get that salary increase and become Sr VP in the next 5 years’.

Hmm.. on the surface these look like positive thoughts. But, keep in mind the duality of thoughts – so what does the universe hear? Let’s break it down. The Universe deals with the NOW.. not the future.. so the universe translates that to mean that RIGHT NOW Renee has NO ONE in her life. And, what did we say is the primary function of the Universe? To receive our ‘requests’ multiply them and send us more of what we ask for. So, what does Renee get back? More lack.. She didn’t have the TRUE LOVE in her life nor the job she wanted UNTIL she changed her thoughts.

When we ask for the things we desire.. the universe gets our 'request', magnifies it and sends us more and more! So, the universe heard that Renee had no one in her life right now and sent her lots more. As for her job request above – Renee is 100% certain that she will ONE DAY get her salary increase and become Sr VP in the future and that is where the universe keeps it. The Universe deals with the NOW. In the Seth Books (channeled to Jane Roberts) we learned that the moment of power is in the NOW!!! So, in order for the Universe to understand that either of those requests is meant to deliver LOVE and MONEY into our lives now - they need to be reworded into something like the following:




Now those are just a couple of possibilities.. there are countless other ways to word things to bring results. But, the commonality of those positive affirmations/thoughts above is the feeling of being grateful. When we appreciate and are grateful for what we have.. we get more. Plain and simple. So, if you don’t currently have the true love of your life.. instead of cursing ex-boyfriends and girlfriends.. be THANKFUL for the time they were in your life. Be thankful for the experiences you shared. If you don’t currently have a job or the job of your dreams.. GIVE THANKS TO WHAT YOU DO HAVE.. and the universe will deliver more. So, let’s take the example of not having a job right now. How can we focus on a positive message to the universe so the universe will send us blessings? A couple examples are below:

I am thankful for my ability to earn money

I am thankful for the wonderful work experiences I've had [this one is focused on gratitude]

I am thankful for the job opportunities that are entering into my life

I am thankful for the business contacts I have

Give thanks and appreciation for the things in your life.. and you will draw in positive experiences into your life that mirrors your gratitude.

So, you may wonder why is it so important to word things in a certain way? Well, it is more than just the wording. When you think negative thoughts and are resentful of a past love or spouse, of a job you hate or a job you lost – your energy is resonating negatively. So, if you stop to think of the GIFTS a person or opportunity brought into your life.. your energy will shift to appreciate their role in your life. The Universe is non-judgmental and doesn’t interpret or decide if you are worthy of the things you ask for. The Universe has Rules.. and the Rules Say it will multiply what you ask for.. and send you more. So, learn to speak the Language of the Universe and Get Everything You Desire!

Joannie had been trying to manifest a new job for the past 7 months. She called me on Keen and we talked. I told her I felt the job was ‘just out of her reach’ and as we talked I heard her dialogue and brought it to her attention. Basically she was saying words like: ‘I know one day God will send me the job of my dreams!’. Now on the surface, this seems like a positive thought.. but what does the universe hear? Since the Universe deals in the NOW.. it hears.. Right now.. Joannie doesn’t have a desire for the job of her dreams and therefore, she doesn’t get it. I worked with Joannie for a few weeks and got her to catch her own thoughts and gently shift the way she thought. I HAVE THE JOB OF MY DREAMS and I AM THRILLED!!! And, wanna know something.. she GOT IT!!!

Understand that the Universe deals in the NOW!! The Universe *WILL* bring you the things you ask for. Your job is to speak the language of the universe to manifest all your dreams. The things you think most about and dwell on are the things the universe delivers to you. The universe interprets that as PRAYER or a MANTRA. Again, the ‘job’ of the universe isn’t to sort through all the requests and decide what is good and not good for someone. The job of the universe is to accept the prayer requests, magnify it and deliver results. And it does.

So, be aware of what you think and how you think it! Word things IN THE NOW! When thinking of the things you want in your life.. don’t think of it in the future.. because if you do.. that is where it will stay. Think of it in your life now. Don’t think of how much you want it. ‘Wanting’ means you don’t have it.. and it stays in the future.. out of reach. But, most importantly, the REAL key to success in your life is GRATITUDE.

Stay tuned for my next article on GRATITUDE.

Surviving a Broken Heart

One of the worst feelings you can experience in life is a broken heart. There is never a good time for a relationship to end; but it always seems worse around the holidays. A broken heart tears at the core of your essence. It feels like your heart is being torn out of your chest. It hurts! So, what do you do when your heart is broken?

I have written up a list of things to do to help ease the pain. Although when you are in deep emotional pain caused by a broken heart it may seem like the pain will never go away, but it will. In time a broken heart does mend.. and life does go on. But, what do we do in the meantime?

1. Treat yourself with kindness. Allow yourself to see the big picture. As we begin to deal with the 'loss' of the relationship we begin a grieving process. The first stages of grieving - we blame ourselves. Keep in mind that it takes two people to be in a relationship and if a relationship fails - both partners have some responsibility. A serious relationship does not end because of something trivial you said, or did. Your partner may use that as an excuse; but the roots of the problem were planted long before the final break-up. Relationships end because communication is lacking or because two people are not compatible. Sometimes relationships end because your partner isn't 'ready' to be in a relationship, needs some space, falls out of love with you or a host of other reasons. Understand and recognize that it takes 'two to tango' and if the relationship ends - not just one partner is to blame, so if you catch yourself blaming yourself, STOP!!

2. Talk to someone. A friend, a therapist, anyone who will listen. The best thing you can do is verbalize what you are feeling. The worst thing you can do is just let it brew inside of you.

3. Write the person a letter expressing your feelings and all the reasons you feel hurt; but don't mail the letter.

4. Allow yourself to feel. CRY! YELL! SHOUT! SCREAM!! Let the emotion surface and get it out! It is okay to feel miserable and gloomy - if you allow yourself to express the sadness you feel, the pain will pass quicker. There are steps of healing. At the beginning stages it is important to allow yourself to feel the pain. The first stages of healing you will blame yourself and wish you did things differently but that stage will pass. As you begin to heal, the pain turns to anger and eventually leaves. These are all normal stages of healing. There are 12-step programs designed to walk you through the stages of healing.. that is a very good place to start.

5. Pound a pillow. Yes, you heard me - this is one of the best ways to release pent up emotions.

6. Spend time with friends. Even though you may not be in the mood to be social or be with friends - do your best to spend time with friends or family. Don't allow yourself to be alone all the time.

7. Turn your attention to your career and work responsibilities, friends, your pets, etc. Find joy in your daily routine.

8. Plan your day. Sit down with pad and paper in hand. Make a list of things you have always loved to do. Jot down at least 10 items. Now, grab a calendar or appointment book.. and begin working out a schedule for yourself. Plan your day from the moment you wake up until the minute you go to sleep. Put down everything. This is an imperative step to helping you survive the initial days of a broken relationship. The goal is to fill your day completely. The worst thing is to be alone and feel lonely and abandoned.

9. Go places. Go the the library, art gallery, museum, shopping, football game.. find things to do that you have always enjoyed. I want you to go and do it! Don't worry about feeling sad, you'd be surprised - especially this time of the year the christmas carols and lights and decorations might help lift your mood. Do NOT go to places where you and your ex went - explore and find new places!

10. Decorate for the holidays. Go shopping. Plan a decorate the tree party with close friends.

11. VOLUNTEER. Call your local charities. Most of the charities will welcome your help. You'll be amazed to find that as you help others, your pain will begin to heal.

12. Don't rush things.. your healing process will take as long as you need it to take.

13. Do the above steps even if you are not in the mood or if you feel like you are just going through the motions.

14. Call me. I am a Certified Love Psychic and Life Coach. My clients call me The Love Doctor. There *IS* life and happiness after a failed relationship. Before you know it you will be living your life to its fullest!

Blessings of Light & Love!

-Lady Fontaine

How to Win at Love and Life...

The Universe has very simple rules. You ‘get’ what you feel you are ‘worthy’ of. Henry Ford said it perfectly with these words:

"If you believe you can or
You believe you can’t
--- You’re right!"

-Henry Ford

So, how do you apply this concept to your love lives? Many of your ‘deep beliefs’ are so ingrained within you that you don’t even realize you have them. Some examples are: money doesn’t grow on trees, good girls should be seen and not heard, big boys don’t cry, no one will ever love you, and a face only a mother could love. Familiar?

You’ve all been told similar things when growing up. But how do these limiting beliefs really shape your lives? It is simple and a very natural way of life. As children you want to please your parents. Your parents tell you things.. you believe it. You want the praise, love and acceptance of your parents or care-takers so you do things that you know they will approve of. After time, you begin to accept these ‘things’ as truths. For example, if you get a hug and kiss every time you stop crying.. you begin to learn that expressing emotions and crying is NOT rewarded; but to stop crying is rewarded therefore the belief may become that ‘expressing emotions is not acceptable’. Add to that, your parents tell you: ‘what a good girl’ when you stop crying, so that further reinforces to you that it is a bad thing to show emotion. Another example is.. let’s say a young boy is artistic. But, his dad wants him to play sports. He takes him outside to catch balls. Every time the boy does something that the father wants – he rewards him. ‘hey son, that was great, let’s go get ice cream’. Every time the boy does something the father does not approve of, he gets negative input: ‘Son, why are you always drawing pictures and acting like a sissy, let’s go outside and catch some balls and act like a real man!’ Over time, these words and actions become ingrained within the boy and he begins to believe them. To make matters worse, he now has this inner conflict because he wants to draw and design things, but his father wants him to do something else.. so he shoves his true desires aside and does what his dad wants him to do.. and conflict and resentment sets in. All these thoughts become a part of your belief structure. So, the boy who might have been destined to be a top architect or artist.. might grow up trying to please his father and being a mediocre macho man; instead of allowing his natural artistic qualities to blossom. The example I used above also shows why so many Americans have weight problems; as children you are rewarded for ‘eating everything on your plate’ and ‘food’ is often used as a reward (as I used as an example with the boy and the ice cream). All of these things mold and shape you into the adults you are today.

Science has not completely figured out where thoughts come from. The consensus by psychologists is your thoughts are generated by your beliefs. So, if you believe you are worthy of something, you will THINK THOUGHTS TO SUPPORT THAT BELIEF and draw it into your lives; but if you don’t; you won’t. You might wonder how you really know what thoughts are limiting you. Fortunately, it is easier than you may think. Many of you say things like.. ‘I can’t do that!’ If you catch yourself saying something like that ask yourself 2 things: 1) Can’t do what? And when you identify what it is that you ‘can’t do’.. ask yourself 2) Why? You may discover that you ‘realize’ that you can’t do it because you were always told you couldn’t.. and as you become aware of that – and consciously allow yourself to do it.. you empower yourself as you break old habits and shatter limiting beliefs. Let’s look at this example. Let’s assume that you catch a thought that says: ‘you can’t get that high paying job’ [and let’s assume this is the IDEAL job that you have you have waited your entire life for]. So, you catch the thought and ask yourself: ‘Can’t do what?’ You respond: ‘get the high paying job silly!’ You then ask yourself: ‘Why not?’ [you may have to ask yourself 10 times, 20 times, a hundred times or a million times..] but keep asking until you get an answer.. because you WILL! If you suddenly start remembering how your mom always told you ‘you can’t do that!’ hold that thought because that is the defining experience that ‘set’ your belief. As you recall your mom saying that.. reflect on what you wanted to do as a child that she told you not to do.. and imagine that you allow yourself to do it.. and that your mom is supportive that you did what you wanted! Feel the JOY of experiencing what you have wanted to experience all these years! BRAVO!!!

So, how does this all play into getting the love you deserve? Simple. You ‘allow’ yourself to have the love (money, success, attention, etc) that you feel you are worthy of. There is NO way around that. So, take a minute and look at your OUTER WORLD. Your OUTER WORLD is a REFLECTION OF YOUR INNER WORLD. What is your outer world telling you? Is your life filled with love? Money? Success? Happiness? For the majority of you.. the answer is no. And the reason is simple.. because along the way you have lost yourselves. As children you are told not to focus on your own needs – to focus on others. By doing that, you put yourselves second and IGNORE your own needs and satisfy others. The ‘energy’ that radiates to the universe is ‘I am not important’.. and the universe is actually a very powerful, nonjudgmental ‘mirror’. What you radiate.. it returns to you 100-fold++++. So, when you radiate that energy (message) to the universe that YOUR DESIRES ARE NOT IMPORTANT,, the universe sends more of that back to you. When you radiate energy (messages) to the universe that you are WORTHY.. the universe multiplies that 100+++fold and sends you more and more!

So, how do you change the energy you radiate? The first thing you need to do is realize that each thought has a duality. I work with hundreds of people each year and they tell me: But Lady Fontaine, I *AM* thinking positive.’ I then ask them to tell me what they are thinking about. They often tell me they are thinking about ‘one-day’ having a certain person in their lives, certain job, etc. If you think about some future time when life will be better for you the MESSAGE the Universe gets is: Right now.. you have NO ONE and NOTHING and the universe’s job is to provide you with that 100 fold.. so it keeps you in that energy. THE SECRET teaches you to THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS but listen very carefully to my words... ‘You can think these thoughts from now until eternity but until you truly believe them – you will remain stuck and unhappy inside.’

These are examples of some basic (but GREAT) Affirmations:


But, if you really don’t believe those words; nothing will ever change. I don’t care how diligent you are in telling yourself over and over again all these positive affirmations if you don’t feel it and believe it – it won’t happen. The ONLY way to FEEL them is to DISCOVER the underlying ‘limiting’ belief and acknowledge it.

To WANT or Not to Want - THAT *IS* the Question!

What are the things you most want? Love? Romance? Success? Fame? Money? Health? Happiness? If you 'want' these things, most likely you don't have them in your life. Why? Because the action of 'wanting something' keeps it just out of reach.

In order to manifest love, money, health, happiness and all the things you desire – you MUST learn to think and speak in the 'Language of the Universe'. Every thought you think has 2 sides; a positive and a negative. So when you 'want' something, what message do you think you are sending to the Universe? You are actually telling the universe you don't have it and the Universe hears that as your 'wish' (not having it) and keeps sending you more of 'not having it' thus keeping what you want just our of your reach. The Universe doesn’t translate or judge; it will give you what you ask for. So, the challenge is to learn how to ask the RIGHT way to manifest your dreams and desires.

I work with hundreds of people every year.. both as a psychic and a Life Coach. My clients always hear me speak about the importance of learning how to 'ask' and 'how to frame our thoughts' TO ATTRACT blessings into our lives. In the spiritual realm – like attracts like. So, it is important to send out a message to the Universe of 'contentment' and 'GRATITUDE' and the Universe will send you an endless supply of things to be grateful for. My clients often tell me that they are thinking positive thoughts yet they continue to manifest 'lack' in their lives. So, I often ask them to keep a ‘thought journal’ and give me examples. Here are some of those examples:

Stan is a client who was trying to manifest money into his life for countless years before meeting me. He was recently shopping and found himself thinking:

"Darn, I have to win the lottery – I just don’t have enough money to pay for everything."

He caught himself thinking that thought but he told me, ‘But, Lady Fontaine I am thinking positive thoughts and I am telling the universe what I want’. The words above are telling the universe that Dan doesn’t have sufficient money to pay for his basics.. and the universe’s primary job is to HEAR WHAT WE ASK FOR and to GIVE US MORE! So, what will the universe deliver? More ‘lack’ of money rather than more money!

Renee has been a client for many years. She had on-going financial and love problems. She had been doing positive affirmations for over 10 years and is a strong believer of positive thinking. Until she met me she was not able to manifest the things she truly wanted. I asked her to keep a journal of her ‘thoughts’.

‘I wish I could meet a wonderful man and live happily ever after.’

‘I wish my company would appreciate me more and that I would become a Sr VP in the next 5 years’.

Hmm.. on the surface these look like positive thoughts. But, keep in mind the duality of thoughts. So what does the Universe hear? Let’s break it down. The Universe deals with the NOW.. not the future.. so the universe translates that to mean that RIGHT NOW Renee has NO ONE in her life. And, what did we say is the primary function of the Universe? To receive our ‘requests’ multiply them and send us more of what we ask for. So, what does Renee get back? More lack.. She didn’t have the TRUE LOVE in her life nor the job she wanted UNTIL she changed her thoughts.

When you ask for the things you desire.. the universe hears your 'request' loud and clear, magnifies it and sends you more.. plain and simple! The Universe understands 'wishing' as 'not having' and sent her lots more of not having a wonderful man in her life. As for her job request above – Renee is 100% certain that she will ONE DAY get her salary increase and become Sr VP in the future and that is where the universe keeps it. Just out of reach. The Universe deals with the NOW. In the Seth Books (channeled to Jane Roberts) we learned that the moment of power is in the NOW!!! So, in order for the Universe to understand that either of those requests is meant to deliver LOVE and MONEY into your life now - they need to be reworded into something like the following:


Now those are just a couple of possibilities.. there are countless other ways to word to your desires into your life. But, the commonality of those positive affirmations/thoughts above is the feeling of being grateful.

POWER EXERCISE: Use your imagination! If you desire a new job - IMAGINE HAVING THE JOB OF YOUR DREAMS. What does it feel like? What time would you get up in the morning? How would you spend your day? Use your imagination to fuel that thought!! The power of imagination is HUGE! Add to that appreciation and gratefulness and you have the most powerful equation for success and happiness. If you desire love or a relationship, use that same power of imagination to picture yourself living that relationship happily. Be grateful for it. If you have doubts like 'this'll never work' then you are right, it won't.

WANTING: Here is the definition of 'want' from Merriam-Webster's diction:
(check on-line - I cut and pasted this right from their on-line dictionary!)

intransitive verb
1: to be needy or destitute
2: to have or feel need [never wants for friends]
3: to be necessary or needed
4: to desire to come, go, or be [the cat wants in] [wants out of the deal]transitive verb

1: to fail to possess especially in customary or required amount : lack [the answer wanted courtesy
2 a: to have a strong desire for [wanted a chance to rest] b: to have an inclination to : like [say what you want, he is efficient]
3 a: to have need of : require [the motor wants a tune-up] b: to suffer from the lack of [thousands still want food and shelter]

etc etc

How many of those definitions spur thoughts of love,
prosperity and abundance to you?

Now, here is the definition of HAVE:

transitive verb

1 a: to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement [they have a new car] [I have my rights]
b: to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal [the group will have enough tickets for everyone>][we don't have time to stay]

"Based on this - which would you prefer for yourself? Wanting or Having?"

Use your words and thoughts carefully!!!

If you don’t currently have the true love of your life.. instead of cursing ex-boyfriends and girlfriends.. be THANKFUL for the time they were in your life. Be thankful for the experiences you shared. If you don’t currently have a job or the job of your dreams.. GIVE THANKS TO WHAT YOU DO HAVE.. and the universe will deliver more. So, let’s take the example of not having a job right now. How can we focus on a positive message to the universe so the universe will send us blessings? A couple examples are below:

* I am thankful for my ability to earn money
* I am thankful for the wonderful work experiences I've had [this one is focused on gratitude]
* I am thankful for the job opportunities that are entering into my life'
* I am thankful for the business contacts I have

Give thanks and appreciation for the things in your life.. and you will draw in positive experiences into your life that mirrors your gratitude.

The Universe has Rules.. and the Rules Say it will multiply what you ask for.. and send you more. So, learn to speak the Language of the Universe and Get Everything You Desire!

Harness the Universal Laws of Attraction.. to bring love, wealth and happiness to your life

Science has begun to recognize the power of the Universal Laws of Attraction. Quantum Physics has ‘PROVEN” conclusively that there are universal laws that we can harness to bring us the things we desire.

This article will introduce you to one of the most powerful and exciting universal laws; The Law of Attraction. This law, when properly harnessed can bring you the things you desire.

Imagine.. for just one minute.. that there is a ‘power’ within this universe that can see beyond what we see.. Some may call that power, God, or ‘The Universe’ or ‘Buddha’ or it is known by a host of other names. It truly does not matter what you call it.. just know that it exists. Imagine for just one minute that this ‘higher intelligence’ can see the big picture in your life. Perhaps it can see beyond the situations you are dealing with today; and perhaps this higher intelligence is doing its best to subtly and gently guide you along the way to happiness, joy and fulfillment.

Have you ever wanted something so badly.. and not gotten it and then a few months down the road and you look back and see that what you got ‘instead’ of what you wanted greatly surpassed your expectations and was a zillion times better! We’ve all experienced that in some way in our lives.. and that is a powerful example of the power of the Universe. Accept the possibility that something ‘better’ exists for us than what our consciousness can currently see for us. Allow the universe to guide us.. and allow yourself to accept the gifts the universe brings to you!

Key #1: The Law of Attraction: The concept behind the law of attraction is: like attracts like. Therefore, if you are always thinking ‘no one loves me’.. you continue to draw ‘similar’ experiences into your life. The ‘ one loves me’ thoughts lock in a specific energy to the universe and become like a mantra repeating itself over and over to the universe. The universe is a receiver – it ‘hears your energy signal [which is on the frequency of ‘no one loves me’] and the universe receives the signal, magnifies it and send you more!. That is the key to the Law of Attraction.. like attracts like. So, if you find yourself thinking: ‘no one loves me!” the universe hears that and says: ‘hey - we hear you – no one loves you – we’ll send you lots more!

So, how do you get the universe to send you what you want? Change the way you THINK – change that energy level and BELIEVE! It is more than what the Book THE SECRET tells us to do. The Secret starts at step #2.. which is to THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS and IMAGINE A POSITIVE OUTCOME! But, how do we control the flow of negative thoughts? No one really knows where ‘thoughts’ come from.

As children, our parents basically tell us what to think and how to act. We then internalize these feelings and they ultimately become ‘beliefs’. The thoughts we think SUPPORT our belief structure.. so if we BELIEVE that NO ONE LOVES US.. we will think thoughts to support that and ultimately draw more of that into our lives.

So, how do we break this negative cycle? There are a host of methods that work.. and a vast array of books to guide you through the process. Lady Fontaine does Life Coaching that can assist you in uncovering these negative beliefs and allow you to ‘shift’ them and have a foundation which allows a positive stream of thought. But, there are are countless methods methods out there. Read everything you can.. and find the method that works for you!

Key #2: Self Honoring: In order to send a ‘positive’ message to the universe, we must HONOR OURSELVES. Honoring ourselves means being true to ourselves.. listening to our own inner knowing and respecting ourselves. When we Honor Ourselves we surround ourselves with people who love and respect us. Self honoring means that we will NOT allow anyone to disrespect us in any way. This is a perquisite to any change in your life. If we do not respect ourselves; that is the signal we send to the universe; and the Universe responds in kind. Like attracts like.

Take at least 5 minutes to reflect on your life. Be honest with yourself. Make note of ways you are honoring and in the ways you are not honoring yourself.

Key #3: Belief: If you do not believe you can have something.. then you can’t. The *ONLY* limits we have for ourselves are the ones we set. So, if you want love or prosperity you need to BELIEVE you can have it!!

Key #4: Passion & Desire: The things we draw most easily into our lives are the things we are most passionate about. We need to IGNITE our thoughts – to make it a powerful thought form. Imagine a very weak radio signal. That is what a thought is without DESIRE. Ignite a THOUGHT with PASSION & DESIRE.. and you create a very powerful signal to the universe.

Key #5: Surrender: This is the hardest part for many people. As living/thinking/breathing human beings we are used to taking control of our own lives. What ‘surrender’ means is to surrender to the process… allow a higher intelligence to guide the way. Accept that the Higher Intelligence sees beyond your present situation and knows what is best for you. This doesn’t mean you sit home and do nothing. Set the stage.. and then surrender and accept the gifts the universe brings us. So, if you are setting the stage for LOVE and in your mind LOVE comes in a specific package, dark hair, dark eyes, wonderful body.. and the universe brings you someone with 3 out of 4.. accept the gift the universe brings you.. because there are tons of hidden gifts within the gift the universe brought you.. that will support you on your path and ultimately lead you to blessings beyond your wildest dreams!


As human beings.. our consciousness only allows us to see a very small part of the picture. The Universe (or higher intelligence) sees the big picture. If we allow the Universe to gently guide us and if we accept the gifts the universe brings us (even if they are in difference packages than what we hoped for).. then the process of surrendering will continue to bring us Love, Joy, Happiness and Prosperity way beyond our fondest dreams! We can only dream in terms of what we will allow ourselves to have. The Universe doesn’t have this limitation and will deliver beyond our expectations.. if we allow it to!

Blessings of Light & Love!

How to Get the Love You Deserve

First and foremost to draw 'true love' into your life you need to know who you are and what you want. You set the standards in your own life. Don't sell yourself short - you are worthy of TRUE LOVE!

So take a minute now and jot down at least 10 IMPORTANT requirements for TRUE LOVE. The more you list - the clearer the picture you are creating. Be honest with yourself. Because in order to draw 'true love' into your life you must be able to recognize it, embrace it and imagine yourself being loved and adored. You must also feel that you are worthy of TRUE LOVE!

If you are in an abusive relationship you do not fully love yourself. If you allow someone to 'use you', or 'verbally abuse you' or 'physically hurt you' your boundaries are not clearly defined. In reality, NO ONE can hurt us - we allow them too. Remember that. Because if your current relationships are not working - stop blaming your partner and begin to look within.

"You must FEEL worthy of TRUE LOVE...


to DRAW TRUE LOVE into your life!"

Imagine a bottle of water in front of you. If you poke a hole in the bottle.. what comes out? 'Water' of course. If you have container of chocolate syrup in your hands and the bottle breaks - what is inside? Chocolate syrup! And so it is with your sub-conscious mind. If you are always angry and mad at the world.. what radiates from you? Anger of course. On the other hand, if you are full of positive and loving thoughts.. what emanates from you? All good things!!!! So, to draw TRUE LOVE into your life.. first and foremost you must learn to LOVE and RESPECT YOURSELF. Many people interpret that to mean that they need to have the most expensive clothes and designer wares. That is fine, if you can afford it but if you are going into debt to look good.. then re-examine this need. More important than how you 'look' is how you feel. If you are afraid of love or afraid of relationships or commitment.. what do you radiate to the world? Fear of course! If you have LOVE in your heart for yourself and others.. what radiates from you? Love!!!

Setting Boundaries - a Key to Good Relationships: Those who truly love themselves have set boundaries. If someone oversteps those boundaries.. they don't tolerate it. In other words, if someone treats you poorly and you don't have boundaries defined - you most likely will complain about it but you will stay in the relationship and accept it, even though it makes you unhappy. The message your partner gets is: 'it is ok to treat you like this'. I see this most often with people who are involved with another person who is unfaithful or verbally abusive. If you 'allow it'.. then the person will continue to do it. If you define your boundaries and let them know that being unfaithful or verbally abusive (or whatever the undesirable trait may be) is unacceptable to you.. then the message you give them is you are not going to tolerate that behavior. If the person continues to be unfaithful or abusive, the person with good boundaries would 'move on' with their life.. choosing not to be in such a relationship; thus breaking the pattern of abuse before it really starts!


1. Honesty
2. Thoughtfulness
3. Consideration
4. Respect
5. Equality
6. Open Emotionally
7. Open Communication
8. Kindness
9. Consistency
10. Friendship*

*Your partner should be your BEST FRIEND. Someone you can openly and honestly communicate with.

When a relationship possesses these things - we feel happy, connected, cherished, loved and SAFE! When a relationship does not possess these things we often feel disconnected, hurt, ashamed, guilty, detached, etc.

So, how do you draw TRUE LOVE into your life?

* You are Kind
* You are Caring
* You Think Nice Thoughts About People
* You Speak Nicely About Others
* You Wish Others Well
* You are a Good Friend.
* You LOVE and RESPECT Yourself
* You LOVE and RESPECT Others

Treat yourself with LOVE and RESPECT and others will do the same! Now, lets take a minute to look at your list of requirements you made for TRUE LOVE. Ask yourself honestly - how many of these traits do you possess yourself? The secret to getting the love you deserve is to become more like the person you desire.. and when you truly are.. you will surely draw them into your life!

Blessings of Light & Love,

-Lady Fontaine

You Only Need One Person to Fix a Relationship..

You only need one person to fix a relationship! That is not a typo - it is FACT.. Reality.. the way it is!!! You may ask: 'How can that be? My boy or girlfriend or spouse is treating me badly or cheating on me or not supporting me. How can I fix that myself?' The answer is simple.. FIX YOURSELF!!!

So, what does that really mean? Our outer lives are a reflection of what is going on inside of us. So, if you are in a love-less relationship or if a mate/partner is cheating on you - the place to look is NOT at them.. but within yourself. Why? In order for us to be experiencing any relationship issues the fact is you are resonating at that VERY SAME frequency yourself. If you are in a love-less relationship; you are not loving yourself. If you are in a relationship where your partner does not respect you - you are not respecting yourself. If your partner is ignoring your needs then you are ignoring your own needs.

The one-liner from the movie Jerry McGuire became a popular phrase between lovers several years back; 'you complete me'. Actually.. our job is to COMPLETE OURSELVES. When you 'need' a lover (or anyone) to complete you - you are allowing holes and an emptiness to surround and embody YOU. Complete yourself. Make yourself whole. Re-connected with your 'higher-self' and your 'inner child'. If you feel empty inside that is a wake-up call that you are neglecting your own needs in some way; hence your partner is too.

Accepting this as TRUTH allows you to fix your relationships with yourself and your partner!

The Truth About Why He Doesn't Call.. Plus Some Tips on Keeping Him Enticed!

This is one of the most common questions I am asked. The answer is simple; if the man doesn't call... he has lost interest. Don't sympathize (or believe) a man who tells you that he is busy at work, sick in bed or away on vacation. Last time I checked; they had phones at all those locations. If a man is interested - he *WILL* call.. even if it is a 30 second call to say he is thinking of you. Don't make excuses for him. If it is early in a relationship and a man has stopped calling, pick up the pieces; learn from the experience and move on. Don’t invest the energy in someone who isn’t interested in you.

Men are different than women. If a women is involved with a man and talks to him daily for a week or two she feels they are connecting and she begins to open to him. She begins to think about the possibility of a future with him. But, what is he thinking and feeling? Well, keep in mind that men think and process things in a very different way than women do. First and foremost, most men don't think of being in a 'relationship' as quickly as women do. As a species men generally are more casual going into a relationship. That is one reason why it is a wise decision not to disclose everything about yourself on the first date and certainly a reason not to get physical right off. Pace it. Throw small tidbits to him in the course of a few weeks. Men like a challenge and they are programmed to 'work for the things they desire'. The more 'detached' you are at the beginning of a relationship the more you will intrigue a man. Now, don't get me wrong - I am not saying to play games; but balance things. The more you open at the beginning of a relationship inevitably the more you will chase the majority of men away. Don't ever volunteer to a man that you are interested in him for the first 3 months of a relationship. Allow him the pleasure of chasing you and wine and dine you. Give him the pleasure of wondering if you are warming up to him and give him the pleasure of chasing you - he is programmed to do that! The more he wonders - the more he is intrigued and the more he will pursue. It is genetic with men.. they are genetically territorial and if you pique their interest they will do everything in their power to win you over. If you rob them of this 'chase' - their interest will likely wane faster.

"Men like a challenge and they are programmed

to 'work for the things they desire'"

Then, after 2-3 months.. as he begins to settle into the idea of having a 'steady' girlfriend in his life.. then it is more acceptable to open slightly because he will be more receptive. Otherwise, what often happens is a man starts getting more distant as a woman begins settling into a relationship. Just as the woman feels there 'is' a relationship and starts making inquiries or demands; the man begins to pull away. Sound familiar?

So, it is imperative to learn the basic rules dating and how to entice a man and how to make him *WANT* to be in a relationship with you. Pace yourself. Be a little mysterious. Don't disclose everything about yourself on the first date or even in the first few weeks. If a man wants you to tell him how you feel.. smile and say.. 'I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be...' and leave it at that (gee doesn’t that sound like what a man would say? Hmm!). Once you are really connecting and feeling confident in the relationship - begin VERY SLOWLY to disclose things. Your man will feel like he won the JACKPOT! Every time you give him what he has worked so hard for.. he will hear the fireworks going off in his brain.. knowing he has EARNED the attention you are now giving him!

Blessing of Light & Love!

-Lady Fontaine

What Men Want...

To know what men want.. you have to know what they don’t want. All too often, women give a man what they ‘think’ he wants but ultimately it pushes him away. Listed below are the biggest mistakes that women make in relationships. Any single one of these can drive your man away. If you do more than one the odds get stacked against you. Why? Because men process information in a different way than women. And it becomes important to learn the intricate differences in how men and women think so you can relate to them in ‘their’ language. If you go to Greece, do you speak to the natives in Hungarian? No, you speak Greek their native language. The same thing applies to being in a relationship with a man. Learn to understand how they think and how they process information and you greatly improve your chances of creating lasting love! The list below does not apply to every man nor every relationship. There are still some men that appreciate women and treasure a woman who gives fully of herself! But, if you embody these qualities and your man is not appreciating you the list below will explain why! Don't change who you are - but knowledge is power and sometimes women have to resort to some well-planned 'strategy' to get their needs met!! Men often tell me that they are not 'mind readers' and don't know what their lady wants, so these are designed to help you outsmart the Venus and Mars disconnect in relationships!!! The list below gives you the tools to empower yourself in a relationship by understanding how a man interprets your actions and how to get him to appreciate you more!

Mistake #1: Women who give too much. Giving too much love, attention, support, money, etc translates to your man that ‘you’ and ‘your feelings’ don’t count. If you 'always' put him first he quickly learns to do the same (put himself first) and ultimately he is more likely to ignore your needs. Not because he doesn't care about you but you are subconsciously telling him that his needs are more important than yours. Women think that a man wants the woman who caters to their every need. Well, they may want it, but when they have it they quickly tire of it and take it for granted. So ladies - balance it!!! Give, but also allow the man to give and do for you. When a woman is too nice, too helpful, too supportive or too loving it translates to your man as too much of a good thing. A man rarely sees himself married to a woman like that. Think about it, how many times have you heard about a man leaving such a good and loving woman for a demanding one? It happens all the time. Men like the novelty at the beginning of a relationship of being pampered and catered to but in the end they generally leave or begin to 'expect' it and take it for granted. When you make your entire emphasis in a relationship about your partner; you rob them of a very intricate part of man’s dream fantasy about love. Ultimately, this is one of the primary reasons men leave a relationship. They get bored. ~This is one of the biggest mistakes a woman can make.~

Mistake #2: Women think that men want to hear words of love and endearment. They don’t. Men don’t want to be overwhelmed with words. They think and feel in simplistic terms. For them, actions speak louder than words. When a man ‘pulls away’ emotionally or is not attentive or not calling then the absolute WORST thing you can do is send him a letter or email telling him how you feel. This will push him away further. You may get a knee-jerk response from a man but it won’t be lasting.

Mistake #3: Women think men need to be told how to treat them. Women think the way to get a man to do what they want is to tell them they are NOT doing what they want. This is a HUGE mistake!!! Men immediately turn OFF when you begin nit-picking by telling them what they are doing wrong. The BEST approach is to REWARD your man for his positive behavior. He’ll learn quickly to do the things that you desire. Always compliment your man when he does the little things for you. Make a big deal when he surprises you or brings you flowers, etc. Let him know what wets your whistle.. what you like.. what you want. Give him the chance to PLEASE YOU! Let him know how much you appreciate his thoughtfulness and he will surprise you with more!

Mistake #4: Women think having sex will bring them a commitment. Many women think ‘sex’ is the way to a man’s heart and the way to keep a man. It surely may get a man interested at the beginning; but your chances of getting a commitment by giving the man the sex they desire is greatly reduced.

The better approach is to put your needs first. He wants something (sex) you want something (commitment) - so withhold the sex until you get the commitment or the relationship is ‘secure’. When a woman gives a man sex as a means to getting a commitment it backfires 98% of the time. If she realizes it or not she actually is training him that he doesn’t have to work for sex. In other words, he doesn’t need to buy you gifts, doesn’t need to appreciate you and more importantly, doesn’t need to give you a commitment. All too often, women forego their true desires of having a commitment but they give ‘sex’ as a way to barter for what they want. The majority of time - it backfires. Don’t forego what is important to you by giving sex freely to a man. The best way to capture a man is to make them wait and make them work for what they want. The longer they wait, the more they desire you.

Mistake #5: Women think the way to win a man’s heart is to make NO demands. This is a HUGE mistake. Nice girls rarely finish first.. especially in romance. Making demands is not selfish; in fact, it is one of the best things you can do for the relationship. You set the RULES and REQUIREMENTS. If a man asks you to meet him at a restaurant and you want to be picked up - tell him. If you want to stay home or want to go to a restaurant or concert - tell him. Most women think that men want the woman who make no demands. That is 100% INCORRECT. Men like to know what is expected and they like to cater to a woman’s needs.

~These are the primary mistakes a woman makes in a relationship. My next article will address how you should strategize and once you have attracted Mr Right so you keep him!!~


On Dec 6th The International Certification of Psychics announced it's top psychics worldwide. Lady Fontaine is their pick for America's #1 Love Psychic! The actual PRESS RELEASE is available on PRWEB.

Lady Fontaine is a Master Psychic and Love & Relationship Coach. Lady Fontaine wrote a syndicated Love Advice column for many years. More recently she has many of her articles syndicated on the internet and are featured on sites such as, AOL,, and many other sites! For many years Lady Fontaine hosted the AM Radio Show Non-Stop New York giving callers expert psychic advice. Search the internet and you'll find a host of her articles for your reading pleasure!

Lady Fontaine has been ranked in the top 5 psychics worldwide for the past 7 consecutive years. Lady Fontaine is currently working on her second book.


-Lady Fontaine

How to Manifest Insane Amounts of Money!!!!

Your 'relationship' with money is what dictates your income and your bank balance. Not the economy.. not your job performance or the number of customers or clients you have or don't have. These are just curves, hiccups and burps along the way. We ALL have the ability to create unlimited prosperity and if you are not enjoying the prosperity that you desire then the ONLY one holding you back - is you! There is a Henry Ford quote I often use in my workshops and seminars which says:

"If you believe you can..
You believe you can't..
You are Right!"

We think of Henry Ford as an innovator and business man - not a spiritual guru. That is exactly why I use his quote. This concept is a Universal (and powerful) concept recognized by many very rich and powerful men and women. People who have defined what America is all about. There are many spiritual gurus and masters who have delivered a similar message in different words. The words, or who says them is not the important part.. what IS the important part is that we understand that *WE* control exactly what we have, what we receive and what opportunities come our way by what we think and believe.

It isn't only your conscious thoughts that control what you manifest in your life. Your thoughts are controlled by your deep-seated beliefs. If you believe that money is evil, you will find it hard to manifest great prosperity into your life because who would intentionally want to expose themselves to evil? If you believe that 'money doesn't grow on trees' you probably come from a family that instilled strong work ethics into you - but there is a deep seated belief within you that you have to work hard for your money.. so that is what you will create. I can't tell you how many of my clients come to me to manifest prosperity and are completely convinced they have an abundance mentality. They tell me they 'want a better job', they 'want' a bigger house and countless other desires that are filed away in their computer brain as being representations of the success and abundance they desire. SO, WHY ARE THEY NOT MANIFESTING IT INTO THEIR LIVES?

"Money is energy. Money flows INTO your life when there is a cohesive flow of energy within yourself."

The Law of Attraction tells us that 'like attracts like'. A physicist might argue that telling you opposites attract (which in most areas of science is true). But, if we use the basic laws of attraction and want something - what is the message we are sending out to the Universe? Think about it? The answer is 'The desire to have what you don't have actually shifts you into a state of lack'. If we use the basic concept of the law of attraction - like attracts like - then when you desire something you don't have.. the 'energy' or the 'essence' behind what you want is actually 'lack' and that is what you attract. You are admitting to yourself and sending out to the Universe that there is 'lack' in your life consisting of big gaps and holes that are not filled and the Universe obliges by sending you more of lack (not having what you 'want)'. So 'WANTING' actually keeps your desires right out of reach or slows them down from entering into your life. How often have you wanted something so badly (a person or an item) and you want it and you want it and you never get it. Eventually, something inside of you shifts and you no longer want it. What happens? BINGO - You Get IT - it enters your life quickly and easily. You stopped wanting it - so you actually ALLOWED it to enter into your life.

"The desire to have what you don't have actually shifts you into a state of lack"

So, how do we translate this basic concept into a powerful technique that will DRAW PROSPERITY into your life. There are two critical steps to follow. The first step is actually a 2 part step - stop wanting and move into a state of gratitude. They go hand-in-hand to achieve the goal of manifesting prosperity into your life.

"Shift your focus to GRATITUDE"

1. To want or not to want. That is *THE* question! The answer is simple. Shift your focus to GRATITUDE. Once you begin to focus on the things you are grateful for the energy within you completely shifts. If 'wanting' something keeps it away - being GRATEFUL for what you have.. draws in plentiful blessings into your life. Let's take a minute right now to do an experiment. Take a few deep breaths. Now allow yourself to think of something you 'want'. Really imagine the item for a few minutes. Notice where you eyes are looking.. Notice your breathing and body language. Notice where you feel it in (or outside) of your body. Now, let that go and take a few deep breaths and now think of something you HAVE and are very grateful for. Notice where you eyes are looking.. Notice your breathing and body language. Notice where you feel it in (or outside) of your body. Do you see and feel the difference? In many cases people keep the vision of the things they 'want' outside of their body.. just off in the distance. Their eyes may go up or down but most often UP and to the LEFT. When you are grateful for something.. many hold it in their heart or solar plexus.. but definitely the energy resides WITHIN them rather than external to them. Our eyes usually go down. These are cognitive signals that go DIRECTLY to the brain and ignite your manifesting power. What that means is if you are in a state of 'wanting' and your eye movements follow the patterns described above - your cognitive message to your brain is that you don't have the things you desire so you increase your state of LACK in your life. You are 'thinking' about things or 'sensing' them but they are not in your life. However, when in a state of Gratitude this sends pleasurable energy through your body of 'appreciation'. Your eyes are generally positioned downward giving a cognitive message to the brain that you FEEL the joy and PLEASURE in the things you have. You are GRATEFUL for what you have. For your Life. This sends a cognitive message to your brain of BEING WHOLE and PERFECT. The Universe then aligns with this energy and sends you more situations to support this wonderful feeling of joy and your sense of feeling COMPLETE. The message the Universe gets is that you don't 'need' anything so the Universe sends you situations to support HAVING EVERYTHING YOU NEED. That is when we begin to experience the divine blessings we are ALL entitled to receive! Remember, money and prosperity are ENERGY. When energy flows effortlessly through you - you attract prosperity into your life. Every second of every day we ALL have a choice. Consciously chose to align with the state of gratitude. Your life will almost instantly shift for the better. Gratitude is a much different energy than the desire of 'wanting' something and draws into your life love, happiness and prosperity.

Gratitude: Watch your thoughts. Measure your thoughts about money and see if you are wanting or appreciating. If you are appreciating be sure you have an awareness of gratitude. Gratitude BRINGS it into YOUR life. Wanting keeps it just OUTSIDE of your reach.

"Detach from the Outcome"

2. Detach from the Outcome: OK, this is tough part. It requires a TRUST in a higher power. This requires that you have an inner awareness that there is a greater power out there. Some think of this as God. Some think of this as a 'higher force' or even their 'higher self'. It doesn't matter what you call it - but it does matter that you understand that there is some force GREATER than ourselves out there - that we are CONNECTED too. This is a loving, suppportive 'power' that you can TAP into at any time. When you have this awareness and understanding and you trust that this higher power will know the bigger picture and bring to you what you need at any given time. So, you want the 5,000 square foot house in the suburbs, the Hummer, $100,000.00 in the bank and the other niceties. Imagine if the Universe's plan for you is to bring you a 8,000 square foot house, 10 Hummers and $10 million dollars in the bank and even more. Or maybe you aren't supposed to have the Hummer but a Cadillac Escalade. TRUST and allow the Universe to bring you the GIFTS it desires. Don't limit yourself. Just OPEN to the possibilities of prosperity and allow the Universe to work out the details. The Universe SEES the BIG picture. With the way our brains are designed; we can't embrace the magnitude of this. We don't have that vision or capability. So, allow the Universe to do what it is BEST at - bringing you wonderful opportunities that could manifest way beyond your hopes and dreams.

"Allow the Universe to bring the opportunities and gifts into your life
that you deserve!"

Happy Manifesting!


If you find this article helpful, Lady Fontaine is available to answer your financial, career, manifesting or financial questions.

Blessings of Light and Love!

-Lady Fontaine

Why is He So Inconsistent and How Do I Get Him Back?

What do you do when your man pulls back or is inconsistent? It drives you nuts but regardless how many times you have yelled, cried or screamed; he continues to do it! Why does he do it and how do you get it to stop?

The answer is actually simple. If a man feels there is an open door 'in and out of your life' - he'll take it. A man comes in and out of your life for one reason; because you ALLOW it. 'Stop making it so easy for him!'

When he pulls back and you don't hear from him for days, weeks or God forbid - months, you labor almost every day thinking about him and trying to get him back. When he is being inconsistent or inattentive the absolute WORST thing you can do is call, text or email him. That, in effect, rewards his negative behavior. When he finally contacts you - you are ecstatic! You are anxious to speak to him. You change your plans, you free your time, you wait.. and wait.. and wait. When he finally does contact you, you may yell, scream or cry and make him promise not to do it again, but he keeps repeating this pattern.. over and over again.. until YOU pull in the reigns and say 'enough is enough'.

Why does he do this? Well, it is simple. When you reward his bad behavior with 'attention' and 'telling him how much you care and desire him' you reward him for being inconsiderate to you. When he ends up getting what he wants from you - be it sex, attention, words of adoration, (or whatever drives him) that gives him his 'fix'.. so he takes it and then goes back to being inconsistent.

The WORST mistake you can make is to anxiously welcome him back and allow the relationship to go back to where it was BEFORE he disappeared. Again, that reinforces the negative behavior and you make it waaaaaaaay to easy for him. He begins to subconsciously feel that being inconsistent is the best way to get attention from you. You actually 'train him' to respond that way. He gets the attention he needs from you when he is being inconsistent and that drives him to do it. So, YOU HOLD THE KEY!!! Stop chasing him and PULL BACK and watch the changes unfold.

Now, let's look at the flip-side. Some women don't put up with it. If they encounter a man that is inconsistent - after the first time he 'disappears' when they 're-appear' the woman is unavailable, nonchalant and totally uninvolved with this man emotionally. She is 'nice' but 'aloof' and when he wants to see her or chat or have sex.. she tells him she is busy and/or doesn't respond to him for awhile. What is the message a man gets when he encounters this behavior? He quickly realizes that in order to KEEP THIS WOMAN he has to be on his toes and treat her well; with attention, consideration and love. Otherwise, she'll drift away.

Believe it or not, in both instances, the man really wants the woman in his life; so you truly do hold the key to determine how a man treats you.

So the best approach to get a man to be more consistent is simple. When he is not being consistent and attentive; back off. When he resurfaces, act nonchalant and very casual. Listen but don't speak much. Keep your conversations, chat sessions or emails short and sweet. Don't unveil your deep feelings. Don't be an open book. Men don't realize it but they are hard-wired for the conquest. Even hearing that you care and adore him is often enough for him to feel good about himself and then off he goes again - back to being inconsistent. The better approach is to act like he is a casual friend and treat him that way.

If your best friend treated you the way your man does how would you act? Most likely 'cautious and casual'. You wouldn't welcome them back into your life with open arms.

That is exactly the way you should act when a man treats you that way.

DO's: (to keep him consistent!!)

- ALWAYS be positive.

- ALWAYS be happy and upbeat.

- ALWAYS be strategixzing and ONE STEP ahead of your man!

- ALWAYS be smarter and strategize.

- ALWAYS allow a man to chase you and shower you with love and attention.

- ALWAYS allow a man to PROVE himself to you.

- ALWAYS wait before responding to him. When he re-appears in your life don't take his calls right away. Let him reach out to you 2 or 3 or more times before you take his calls, answer emails or text messages. Let it go to vm or just ignore it. Regardless of what kind of message he leaves you (telling you how much he cares, misses you etc) HOLD YOUR GROUND, stay pulled back. Don't give in. If he is emailing or text messaging, allow at least 48 hours (preferably more) to pass before you contact him.

- ALWAYS be brief. When you do speak, email or text - keep all communication BRIEF. If on a phone call, then keep conversation to 5 minutes for the first call and as a rule to NO MORE than 10 minutes (until he is very consistent with you). If emailing or text messaging, answer in 1-2 sentences with very brief wording.

- ALWAYS realize that men learn how to TREAT YOU by your actions. If you stay on the phone with him for many hours each day then he gets all his needs fulfilled and you actually slow down the progress of a relationship. Keep it brief. If it gets really serious with you, then give a little more, but ONLY after you get what you desire from your man.

- ALWAYS be the first to hang up saying you are busy and have some where etc go or first to leave if meeting for lunch, etc. Be vague. Until you have a ring on your finger, it is NONE of his business.


- NEVER call, text or email a man who is ignoring you or is not attentive If the relationship is worthwhile then BE SMARTER than he is. Look at this as a long-term investment in YOUR future.

- NEVER stay on the phone with a man for hours when he isn't giving you everything that you want.

- NEVER tell a man how you feel until he is consistent and giving you what you want; and then dish it out slowly. Listen and let him tell you.

- NEVER believe a man who falls in love with you in 24 hours. Over 95% of the time he is thinking with the wrong part(s) of his body!

- NEVER act mad or angry if you don't hear from him. Act casual as if it doesn't matter. When you get mad and upset, it is a boost to his ego and that alone drives some men to act inconsistent,

- NEVER give into having sex (or phone sex) with this man if he isn't being consistent and attentive to you. If you do, you will be telling him that he can come in and out of your life (for sex) without giving you anything more.

How to respond to an email or text message:

If you haven't heard from him in awhile and he sends you an email or text message, wait 2-3 days before responding. Then be very brief. If he asked any questions in his communication with you, answer 1 or 2 very briefly. You are NOT obligated to give him a full run-down of what he missed. If he is so interested and concerned about your life; he shouldn't disappear for days, weeks or months.

"hey, nice to hear from you. I am doing great, thanks for asking. Been really busy. Have a great week! "

Do NOT reach out to him in any way after you speak, email or text. Yes, this is a waiting game but a well worth waiting game. Retraining someone can take days, weeks or months, but it WILL pay off!!!


Lady Fontaine was named America's #1 Love Psychic by the International Certification of Psychics. She is a certified Master Psychic and a Certified Life Coach. For more love & relationship advice call America's #1 Love psychic - Lady Fontaine (aka The Love Doctor).

Blessings of Light & Love!!!

Lady Fontaine

The Love Doctor!

Who is Lady Fontaine?

I have been affectionately called 'The Love Doctor' by my clients. I have been a professional Master Psychic for over 20 years. I have hosted an AM Radio Show for over six years in New York City. Many of my clients are long-standing clients. I have written one book and have three that are currently in some state of completion. I have been ranked in the top 5 psychics worldwide for eight (8) consecutive years. (See the International Certification of Psychics website for details)

I have my degree in psychology and have advanced certification in hypnotherapy and thought field therapy. I am certified Life Coach and I specialize in RELATIONSHIP and SELF ESTEEM!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Who decided you were America's #1 Love Psychic?

In December 2008 the International Certification of Psychics announced that I was America's #1 Love Psychic. They base this on the accuracy of a psychic, feedback they have received from clients and the position a psychic holds themselves in the community. One must be tested at 90% or higher accuracy and must have been named by the ICP for at least three consecutive years as a top-ranked psychic. They must also received at least 1,500 positive feedback reports in a 3 month period. They must have less than 1% of negative feedback for the past 3 years. Click here to read their press release.

Welcome to my Blog!

By popular demand I have created this blog as a place for us to communicate and as a reference place for my many writings and articles!!